My Projects done during my student life are listed below:
This Program can load and display 3D models. The user can change the display mode to wireframe mode, flat shading mode, smooth shading mode and point cloud mode. User is allowed to choose the projection types into twos: Perspective and Orthogonal types (XY plane, YZ Plane, XZ Plane). User can rotate, translate (move) and zoom in or out with appropriate user interface. User controls are implemented not only with GUI user interface but with keys. User can hide or display the 3D model, grids and AABB (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) bound the model. The programming language used to implement this program is C++ in Visual Studio 2008 IDE and I have used OpenGL for 3D graphics programming. GLUT and GLUI are also used for building GUI user interface for this program.
- 3D Model Viewer Program
- Simulation Program (Collision Detection)
- Image Processing Algorithm (Vector Field Visualization)
- 2D Animation Portfolio
- PIC based Hardware Project (Security Locking System)
- Electronic Project (LED Flashing Board)
3D Model Viewer Program - 2009
This Program can load and display 3D models. The user can change the display mode to wireframe mode, flat shading mode, smooth shading mode and point cloud mode. User is allowed to choose the projection types into twos: Perspective and Orthogonal types (XY plane, YZ Plane, XZ Plane). User can rotate, translate (move) and zoom in or out with appropriate user interface. User controls are implemented not only with GUI user interface but with keys. User can hide or display the 3D model, grids and AABB (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) bound the model. The programming language used to implement this program is C++ in Visual Studio 2008 IDE and I have used OpenGL for 3D graphics programming. GLUT and GLUI are also used for building GUI user interface for this program.

Simulation Program (Collision Detection) - 2009
This program simulates the collision detection techniques. User can add 3D spheres to the box and these spheres may not pass or crossed each others as program detects and responses the collision betweens spheres. The spheres may also not pass the walls. Two types of collisions occurs in this simulation are sphere to sphere and sphere to plane. One interesting thing is that I had added the movable plane in the box. This floating plane or filter can be moved by pressing keys from keyboard up and down. No like the other box planes, this separating plane or movable plane filters the large spheres not to go up and allows only small enough spheres to go up. If so, small spheres can go freely in the box and the large balls are in limited range. To implement this program, C++ in Visual Studio 2008 IDE and OpenGL for 3D graphics programming are used. GLUT and GLUI are also used for building GUI user interface for this program.

Image Processing Algorithm (Vector Field Visualization) - 2009 : 2010
This program is submitted as the dissertation project for the partial fulfilment of the Degree of Master of Science. This program can make the vector fields in environments visible and can make the photo enhancements with water colour painting effects. The input photo can be blurred with this program. Vector fields visualization is a challenging area and useful in not only artistic domain and but in scientific domain. I have implemented Line Integral Convolution algorithm proposed by Cabral and Leedom. This program is implemented using C++ in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. I have used bitmap image standard for input and output file formats. Here are some results of this program. This result illustrates the water colour painted effect of the input photo. In this case, the vector field is the gradient of the input image.

The upper left photo is the original input image, the upper right photo is the gray scale image of the input image, the bottom left image is the vector field of the input image or the gradient of input image, the last, bottom right, image is the result of the program. This image looks like the water colour painting of the original photo. And can also adjust some variable just only to blur the image.
2D Animation Portfolio - 2009
This animation is created for the coursework group project for the 2D/3D Animation course. The group has three active members including me. The primary theme of this 2D short animation is not to cut the trees. Cutting trees may cause many consequences that may affect you and your environments directly or indirectly. It intends to support making the green world. In this short animation, some useful animation principles are applied. Some of such principles are timing, anticipation, exaggeration, secondary actions and ease-in/ease-out principles. From the technical point of view, motion along the curve principle is also applied in this short animation. This short animation is uploaded on YouTube and you can watch it at the URL address (
Application software used to create this 2D short animation are
- Macromedia Flash 8
- Adobe Photoshop CS 2
- GoldWave V5.55
PIC based Hardware Project (Security Locking System) - 2008
This system is developed as the final year project for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering.
The primary theme of this project is to build the prototype system of the door lock system which used password to unlock it.
This system uses PIC16F84A microcontroller as the main control unit and other electronic components as needed.
In the software point of view, assembly language is used to implement this system.
The application software used here are WinPic800 Programmer Software for TandP programmer and MPLAB IDE for writing assembly program files.
The following photo is the prototype of this Security Locking System.

Electronic Project (LED Flashing Board) - 2007
This system is developed as the final year project for the degree of Bachelor of Technology.
The primary theme of this project is to build the LED flasing board by several patterns of flashing.
This system uses PIC16F84A microcontroller as the main control unit to control flashing patterns and other electronic components as needed.
In the software point of view, assembly language is used to implement this system.
The application software used here are WinPic800 Programmer Software for TandP programmer and MPLAB IDE for writing assembly program files.
The following photo is the LED Flashing Board at the IT department booth at Project Exibition, Technological University(Hmawbi).