Domain Knowledge is based on the transcripts records from the university. Click the links for the referenced text books or moveover the link to get the preview of textbook hardcover.
AGTI/B.Tech/B.E Courseworks Engineering Mathematics Engineering Science Engineering Mechanics Basic Electricity and Electrical Installation Mechanical Engineering Drawing Workshop Technology Introduction to Computer System Computer Installation, Maintenence & Repairing Microprocessor and Interfacing Basic Analogue & Digital Electronics Industrial Electronics Hardware and System Administration Data Structures and Algorithms Digital Design Data Processing Concepts and Models Computer Graphics and Image Processing Database Management System Data Communication Object Oriented Programming Using JAVA Discrete Mathematics Multimedia Information Networking Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Analysis and Design Computer Architecture & Organization TCP / IP Artificial Intelligence Computer Organization & Design Digital Signal Processing Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks Programming Languages & Compiling Techniques M.Sc Courseworks Advanced Computer Graphics Multimedia Information Management 3D Modeling and Reconstruction Computer Animation and Simulation Virtual Reality Scientific Visualization 2D and 3D Animation Human Computer Interaction PGDL Courseworks Criminal Law and Procedure Family Law Law Of Contract and Tort Business Law and Labour Law Land Law and Revenue Law Civil Law and Procedure Law of Evidence Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Public International Law PGDB Courseworks General Management Macroeconomics Environment Business Statistics Legal Framework for Business Management Accounting and Financial Management Marketing Management Production and Operations Management Human Resource Management International Business Management |